Online Balloting and Application
Registration for Computer Balloting

Eligible applicants may click here to register for computer ballot. Please be advised that each applicant could only apply in the name of one private car even if the applicant has more than one vehicle registered under his name.

Please click here for the computer ballot timetable.

Checking of Ballot Results

Applicants registered for computer ballot may click here to check the balloting result.


Vehicles which have obtained quota under "Regular Quotas for Cross-boundary Private Cars travelling between Guangdong and Hong Kong" or "Ad Hoc Quotas for Cross Boundary Private Cars" are not eligible to apply for “Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles”. Applicants should to first liaise with the Traffic Management Bureau of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department and Shenzhen Customs to confirm if the vehicle concerned had obtained any quota under “Regular Quotas for Cross-boundary Private Cars travelling between Guangdong and Hong Kong”. If affirmative, the original quota holder should make application to the relevant Mainland Authorities for cancelling the quota before registering for ballot.

Submission of Application and Enquiry of Application Status

Successful applicants in the ballot may click here to make applications and make payment within the designated time on the date randomly allocated by the computer system, and enquire the status of their applications.

Please note that as Transport Department does not possess the progress of individual application after the application has been passed to the Mainland authorities, in case applicants would like to trace their applications, please access the "Mainland Information System" and contact its customer service for more details.

Due to large amount of application being received, Transport Department is now gradually processing the applications received, please wait patiently. In case Transport Department requires applicants to provide supplementary documents, applicants will be contacted by means of email.

Renewal Application

To facilitate applicants of “Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles” to renew relevant licence in a timely manner, applicants holding “Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles” Closed Road Permit that expires in or after July 2024 and meeting all of the criteria under “Eligibility of Renewal Application” may submit renewal applications during the application period allotted by the Transport Department, without having to participate in a computer ballot. Applicants may click here to enquire their invitation status, allotted application period and Passcode, etc. starting from 20 May 2024

Invited applicants who meet all of the criteria under “Eligibility of Renewal Application” may click here to submit renewal applications during the allotted application period stated in the invitation email.

Booking for Travel

Applicants reserved the specified date may click here to check the result.

To ensure the "Northbound Travel for Hong Kong vehicles” to be implemented in an orderly manner, the governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong agreed to introduce a limit on the number of travelling vehicles per day. Vehicles issued with the Mainland electronic vehicle licence and Closed Road Permit (CRP) under "Northbound Travel for Hong Kong vehicles” must reserve the specified date and time with the “Specified Dates Booking System" for travelling Guangdong Province via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Port. Applicants are required to reserve the specified date and time before 12:00 noon on the day before the reserved day in advance via the "Specified Dates Booking System". If applicants wish to cancel the reserved specified date and time, they must cancel the booking via the "Specified Dates Booking System" before 12:00 noon on the day before the reserved day.

Please click here for the booking and cancellation of travelling date.

If any vehicle is found to have been violating the travelling regulations, the Transport Department may deprive them from reserving the specified date and time through the "Specified Dates Booking System" or revoke the CRP.

  • The Transport Department (TD) anticipates that the traffic at Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Port and Zhuhai Port as well as connecting roads will be relatively busy during long weekends and festive periods. TD hereby appeals cross-boundary private car owners who intended to use the HZMB for returning to Hong Kong during long weekends and festive periods to plan their journeys ahead and to travel at less busy hours.
  • Cross-boundary private car owners are advised to pay attention to special traffic and transport arrangements implemented by Mainland and Hong Kong authorities depending on the actual traffic conditions and the latest traffic announcement issued by relevant authorities, be patient when driving in the vicinities and follow on-site instructions.
  • Private car owners may also follow the WeChat public accounts of 「港珠澳大橋香港口岸」and「珠海發布」, for the traffic condition at Zhuhai Port and Hong Kong Port at HZMB (only Simplified Chinese version is available).
Application Procedural Guide

Interested applicants may refer to the Application Procedural Guide video below:

Please click here to access the text version of Application Procedural Guide (Only Traditional Chinese version is available).

Leaflet (Only Traditional Chinese version is available)